Friday, October 14, 2011

Gluten Grief

At the same time that I was diagnosed with gluten allergies, My mother and father-in-law died.  I thought the intense grief was just related to their deaths. It wasn't. I have come to realize since that giving up the way you have eaten all your life is an experience that is full of grief.  At first, I denied the intolerance to gluten.  I couldn't deal with the dairy allergy until years later.  All my family favorite recipes were in jeopardy.  The sense of smell and taste is so closely related to our memories. I felt like I was loosing my memories and the special delicious foods I loved to eat.  It was overwhelming!  This awful grief that I experienced is one of the main reasons why I want to offer others the opportunity to alter one or two of their favorite recipes to gluten free.  Being able to still eat a family favorite makes the process much easier.
One of my first recipes that I converted was chocolate chip cookies.  How wonderful it was to be able to eat them again.  I was surprised to see how happy my family also was to have them.  Your family members also experience some grief when they think they will no longer be able to have some of their favorite recipes with gluten.
Please let me know if the service of altering one or two of your recipes would be helpful to you.  Not all recipes can be altered, but many can with several attempts.

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